Next Wednesday, June 8, World Oceans Day, the exhibition "Art and the Sea" will be inaugurated at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center

In homage to our seas, to our Mediterranean Sea, the city joins the UN event this year with this special artistic project for children
The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, will inaugurate this coming Wednesday, June 8, World Oceans Day, at 7:00 p.m., at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center, the exhibition “ Art and the sea”.

It is a children's artistic project carried out by the students of María García Rubio, a teacher at the Municipal School of Painting. During this school year, plastic teaching activity at the Municipal School has aimed, through art, to expand students' knowledge of oceans and seas. From the City Council of Torrevieja, through the Municipal Institute of Culture "Joaquín Chapaprieta", this plastic project has been supported and the development of collateral activities that complete it for understanding that it was an optimal way to help students acquire knowledge about the sea and its surroundings and, therefore, its city.

The first activity carried out was an approach to marine protection with a visit to the Tabarca marine reserve. Next, the students had the opportunity to learn about another activity linked to the Mediterranean Sea, artisanal fishing through a talk with the fishermen of the Brotherhood of Torrevieja.

The project will end with the exhibition of the artistic works of the students in the Municipal School, which will undoubtedly reflect the perception and emotion of the children after acquiring knowledge and developing activities linked to the sea.

The celebration of World Oceans Day was established by the United Nations Organization (UN) to promote the protection and respectful use of the oceans, a task of all generations, of all countries. A commitment to the future of a land committed to the future of the planet, the feeling of society, the survival of the maritime economic sectors and the coastal communities.

In the city of Torrevieja, the sea is present and is always felt, it is part of our identity. In homage to our seas, to our Mediterranean Sea, the city joins the UN appointment this year with this special artistic project for children.