The AGAMED initiative to promote sustainability thanks to the digital invoice raises more than €2,000 to support vulnerable people

AGAMED launched an initiative at the end of last year to help the most vulnerable groups and promote sustainability among citizens. Thus, it promised to donate 1 euro for each customer who requested the digital invoice. This month has concluded this campaign in which more than €2,000 have been raised that will go to the local NGO Solidarity Food.

This morning, Jorge Ballesta, managing director of AGAMED; Gemma Cruz, deputy manager of AGAMED; and the deputy mayor of the City Council of Torrevieja, Rosario Martínez, have delivered to José Antonio Vidal, president of the Solidarity Food Association, the amount collected in this campaign. Likewise, this meeting has been used to make a visit to its facilities

As they declared during this act, "this initiative contributes to a sustainable, fair and inclusive recovery and has been a call to action for citizens so that, through a gesture as sustainable as requesting the digital invoice, they can contribute to improving the situation of many families in vulnerable situations”.

Likewise, it represents a step forward towards digitization in favor of the natural environment and the environment. With the digital invoice, which can be requested through the Customer Area of the website , users can consult their invoices in an agile, comfortable and secure way, without the need to print out and reducing CO2 emissions compared to other invoice formats.

The initiative joins other collaborations that have been carried out throughout the pandemic to help families most affected by the economic crisis derived from COVID 19, such as, for example, the increase in the social fund of the company to include those groups in the city most affected by the economic crisis. Just as they collaborated with the Red Cross RESPONDE Campaign, for each client who registered in the Client Area of the website. With this action, the company intended to promote online procedures, thus ensuring the safety and health of customers and staff, while promoting these non-face-to-face channels for which AGAMED has made a strong commitment in recent years and which has been seen intensified as a result of the pandemic.