The City Council grants an extraordinary aid for the delivery of food and essential products to the Ukrainian refugees displaced to Torrevieja

The Local Government Board held on the morning of today, Friday, August 12, 2022, has approved the granting of a direct grant to the local NGO Alimentos Solidarios Torrevieja, as an exceptional compensation measure, for the care of hundreds of refugees from Ukraine.

The aid will mean an economic injection of 100,000 euros for the realization of social catering or preparation of menus cooked daily for packaged delivery to the families of Ukrainian refugees who have been welcomed in Torrevieja, as a result of the war produced in the aforementioned country.

The Councilor for NGOs and Volunteers of the Torrevieja City Council, Concha Sala, has valued very positively the granting of this important aid "which highlights the great solidarity of the city through its City Council that the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, who has shown his special sensitivity to the group of refugees from Ukraine".

The mayor has recalled that, since the war broke out last February, the vast majority of Ukrainian citizens who have arrived in the city have been referred to be served by the Solidarity Food Torrevieja soup kitchen together with the rest of its beneficiaries.

"This fact - Sala points out - has meant that the local NGO has managed to increase its food service and basic necessities by almost 800 monthly menus". It also indicates that "regardless of the economic costs, the effort and energy put in by the Solidarity Food Torrevieja volunteers to redouble their work and meet the needs, together with all the members of the Association of Ukrainians of Torrevieja and other groups, something that from the City Council we must thank publicly".