Minute of silence and hoisting of the UK flag at half-staff in Constitution Square

izado bandera

On the morning of today, Friday, September 9, a minute's silence was observed in the Plaza de la Constitución and the flag of the United Kingdom was raised at half-staff on the occasion of the death yesterday of Queen Elizabeth II. .

The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and a large part of the municipal corporation, as well as members of different associations of British residents, attended the minute of silence.

Subsequently, the book of condolences located at the entrance of the City Hall was signed, in which any citizen gives his condolences to the British royal family.

The mayor has shown his condolences on behalf of the entire town of Torrevieja to the more than 5,000 British residents registered in the city and who are authentic Torrevejenses. Eduardo Dolón has praised the figure of Elizabeth II, indicating that she has been an example as queen and a reference for the citizens of the United Kingdom and also for the rest of the world, having perfectly represented the British people for the last 70 years.

Eduardo Dolón has reported that the flag will remain on the flagpole in the Plaza de la Constitución for three days and that a funeral mass will be held in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in the coming days, with the presence of representatives of all the British associations of Torrevieja.