The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by Jorge Ballesta, managing director of AGAMED, and Gemma Cruz, deputy manager, have visited two of the works that the company that manages the integral water cycle is carrying out today. right now. Some actions that seek to improve the quality of the service provided in the drinking water and sewage network of the municipality of Torrevieja. The total investment of these two AGAMED works amounts to 287,228 euros.
The renovation works of the drinking water network are being carried out in the arterial network called "sweet well", in the northern area of the city very close to Alto de la Casilla, and which supplies a large part of the urban area of Torrevieja, specifically, to ¼ part of the population.
It should be noted that the current infrastructure was in a poor state of conservation, a circumstance that is aggravated by its layout, since it runs under high-traffic areas, and at a great depth, conditions such that it is impossible to carry out the adequate maintenance and conservation operations that are required. the arterial network.
These works, which will be completed in about two weeks, represent an investment of 129,037 euros, and a total of 255 meters of ductile cast iron pipe have been renewed, the conduction of which will supply about 5,000 cubic meters of water per day. The mayor has highlighted the great importance of the renewal of this drinking water network, since in this way we guarantee and improve the service to a large part of the population.
Next, they have visited the works of the central Apolo street, a main artery for the evacuation of wastewater in the downtown area. For years, the replacement of the downstream section of Calle Ramón Gallud had been pending, to guarantee the adequate evacuation of the flows transported.
This entire section has multiple deficiencies, in addition to defective connection of the connections, which means exfiltrations to the ground and risk of breakages greater than the current ones. For all these reasons, it has been considered necessary to replace the entire sewerage network, to eliminate all existing deficiencies and expand the hydraulic capacity of the pipeline in its final section. The works represent an investment of 158,191 euros.