Torrevieja culture closes October with three "sold outs" at the Municipal Theater

The shows by Sara Baras, Pica Pica and Ismael Lemais y la Kiskillosa gathered more than 1,800 spectators this weekend at the Municipal Theater
To close a month of October full of culture at the hands of Celso Albelo, the musical Pinocchio or A passing man, CULTURA TORREVIEJA presented a poster with shows for all types of audiences.

Last Friday, October 28, it was Sara Baras who posted the first sold out of the season with “Alma”. More than 600 people applauded the dancer, who was returning to the city after her visit to the Eras de la Sal 15 years ago, on a night in which she was accompanied by more than 12 artists who demonstrated that flamenco is a brand of Spain and remains at the forefront of our culture.

On Saturday, October 29, the Pica Pica children's show captivated the more than 600 parents and children who danced at the Municipal Theater. More than 90 minutes in which the little ones were the protagonists with this children's music and theater group that has become very popular among children for its fun shows and the interpretation of songs for the whole family.

Ismael Lemais and Kiskillosa closed the weekend on Sunday night, October 30, provoking laughter from a theater that once again had "full capacity." A succession of daily monologues where they performed a fun parody about life as a couple, which ended with the couple's announcement to all the attendees of the break that they will have their tour in a few months, in order to start their new stage as parents.

Cultura Torrevieja thus closed October, with three posters informing of the non-availability of free seats and presenting the next events to celebrate and with which they hope to hang the sold out poster again:

- Ara Malikian, on November 3 at the International Auditorium.

- La Bohème, on November 10 at the International Auditorium.

- Commander Lara, on November 11 at the International Auditorium.

- Fangoria and Nancys Rubias, on November 12 at the International Auditorium.