Presented the project of the Camino De Santiago del Sureste Torrevieja - Orihuela, which will take place on November 19 and 26

The route will go through the municipalities of Los Montesinos, Benejúzar, Jacarilla and Orihuela
camino De Santiago
The project was born with the aim of becoming a permanent route so that pilgrims can travel it at any time of the year and thus consolidate it as an official route (South-Torrevieja Branch), certified by the Association of Pilgrims of Alicante for its inclusion in the southeastern path

The councilor for Tourism of the City Council of Torrevieja, Rosario Martínez, together with the teacher of the Municipal School of Painting and organizer of the event, Olga Parra, the councilors for Security and Emergencies, Federico Alarcón, and for Culture, José Antonio Quesada, accompanied by the mayors of Tourism of Orihuela, Los Montesinos and Benejúzar, María García, Ana Juárez and Manuel Parra, and the mayor of Jacarilla, Pilar Díaz, have presented today the project Camino de Santiago del Sureste: Ramal Sur Torrevieja.

The project, which starts from the Department of Tourism in collaboration with the Municipal School of Painting of Torrevieja, aims to launch a variant of the Ruta de la Lana, which starts from the town of Orihuela to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, starting from Torrevieja to connect with the official path in Orihuela.

This pilot test of 42 kilometers is configured in two stages that will take place on Saturday 19 and 26 November. A project that was born with the aim of becoming a permanent route so that pilgrims, at any time, can travel it during any time of the year and thus consolidate it as an official route (South-Torrevieja Branch) certified by the Association of Pilgrims of Alicante for its inclusion in the Camino del Sureste.

The starting point of the first stage will be the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Torrevieja, with a total of 25 kilometers ending in Benejúzar, passing through the neighboring town of Los Montesinos. The second stage, which will take place on November 26 with departure from Benejúzar (a bus will leave from Torrevieja to the starting point of Benejúzar) with arrival in Orihuela passing through the municipality of Jacarilla with a total of 17 kilometers.

This is the first project in collaboration with the municipalities of Torrevieja, Orihuela, Los Montesinos, Benejúzar and Jacarilla, to highlight the cultural, landscape and architectural wealth of the Vega Baja region through these municipalities. This route will be a tourist attraction for all these towns showing that the region is not only sun and beach, but also has history, tradition and much more. The aim of this project is to discover the Vega Baja from another point of view that until now had not been valued.

During the two stages, the group, made up of 55-60 people, will be accompanied by the different local Civil Protection groups from all the participating municipalities.