Celebrated the Gala of Commerce and Productive Sectors of Torrevieja

During the Gala, the awards were announced to 10 local companies from the approximately 40 proposals made by the different business associations of the city

The “Victoria Garden” Halls hosted yesterday afternoon, Saturday, November 12, the 16th   "Gala of Commerce and Productive Sectors" , which was attended by the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, the Councilor for Tourism, Commerce and Hospitality, Rosario Martínez and several councilors from the Government team and the rest of the municipal corporation, along with a broad representation of the city's businesses and hoteliers.

The Gala was enlivened by the components of the Comparsa "La Sal de Torrevieja", two of whose components, the twins Lola and Carmen García, presented the gala, adding a note of humor to the act. During the Gala, the awards were announced to 10 local companies, out of the approximately 40 proposals made by the different business associations of the city.

The prizes awarded were:

-New Creation Award: “Pink Velvet”, awarded to Mª José Mateo Murcia

-Sustainability Award: Washing place “Hipopótamo”, awarded to Miguel Alberto Ruiz.

-International Market Opening Award: “Viking” , given to Ruth Moreno from Human Resources and Magnus Rosvik, General Manager.

- Innovation Award: Farmacia La Mata, received by María Asunción Vicente Gómez.

-Business Career Awards:

"Hypershoes" , collected by Librada Martínez Murcia.

Bar "Hernández" , collected by Pilar Hernández.

Casa "Maciá", collected the award by María José Maciá.

“Hernández” jewelry , collected by Marta Mercader Hernández accompanied by her mother.

Claudio Hairdressing, collected by Claudio Murcia Costa.

Confections "Sirvent", delivered to Fuensanta Castell Sirvent.

In the same act, the gift vouchers were delivered to the 15 winners of the "Local Trade Month" draw, which distributed a total of €1,500.

Likewise, special recognition was given to the fact that Carmen García Nieto was a Commerce Technician of the Torrevieja City Council for many years,   who addressed some emotional words to the attendees, in which he recalled the work that the council carried out and continues to carry out for so many years.

To finish the delivery of recognitions, the Association of Small and Medium Merchants of Torrevieja (APYMECO) recognized with the "Gold Shield" of the association to the following people;

Gore, Torrevieja Radio, Aquópolis and Óptica Valero , in addition to giving it to him for his contribution and help to the Association to   José Rubio, the Councilor for Commerce , Rosario Martínez Chazarra and the Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón.

The mayor closed the event by thanking the presence of so many businessmen from the Torrevieja business at the Gala, and valued the implementation of Bono Consumption, which has become a reference in the entire province of Alicante for the innovative form of indirect management through the APYMECO Association and how good results it is giving. Finally, Eduardo Dolón announced that the contribution of the next   Consumption Bonus of December, promoted by the Diputación, will increase its amount up to 500,000 euros and that on this occasion can be purchased electronically.