Work begins to eliminate invasive exotic flora in the Cabo Cervera micro-reserve

This action is intended to eliminate the real threat of displacement and elimination of native vegetation caused by the massive growth of exotic species, many of them coming from surrounding landscaped areas.
It is not the first time that work to control invasive exotic flora has been undertaken in this area, but until now they had not been carried out with the magnitude with which they have been programmed on this occasion.

The Department of the Environment of the Torrevieja City Council and the General Directorate of the Natural Environment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition collaborate in the elimination of invasive exotic flora in the Flora Micorereserva "Cabo Cervera".

The Councilor for the Environment, Antonio Vidal, reports that the work is being carried out by the Bajo Segura Nature 2000 Brigade, on an approximate area of 1,600 square meters and has the collaboration of a brigade of municipal workers assigned to the maintenance of the beaches. and coastline. In this way, continuity is given to the conservation work that has been carried out over the last 5 years, this time with the programming of several days to eliminate invasive species, among which are matacuchillo (Carpobrotus spp.), rocío ( Aptenia cordiflora), cassava (Yucca spp.) and lantana (Lantana camara).

This action is intended to eliminate the real threat of displacement and elimination of native vegetation caused by the massive growth of exotic species, many of them coming from surrounding landscaped areas. In addition, this will allow future actions to reinforce the population of species typical of coastal environments, and especially, the cat-head jarilla (Helianthemum caput-felis), a species classified as "vulnerable" in the Valencian Community and which is also protected by the environmental regulations of the European Union

It was precisely this species that motivated the Generalitat Valenciana, at the request of the Torrevieja City Council, to create the Flora Microreserve "Cabo Cervera" through Order 24/2017 of August 31, with an extension of 9 hectares between Cabo Cervera and the Fig tree cove.

It is not the first time that work to control invasive exotic flora has been undertaken in this area, but until now they had not been carried out with the magnitude with which they have been programmed on this occasion.

In 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Torrevieja City Council also collaborated in the delimitation of pedestrian routes and the establishment of specific signage, to prevent access to the coastal area through places where vulnerable vegetation grows.