The Department of Quality of Urban Services will undertake urgent actions in public lighting


The councilor-secretary of the Local Government Board, Federico Alarcón, has informed this morning of the approval of the contracting file, supporting report, specifications and table of technical conditions and administrative clauses for the contracting of urgent actions in public lighting.

The base budget for this contract is 80,408 euros, including taxes. This is a super-simplified procedure that allows expediting the bidding deadlines according to art. 159 of the LCSP. The duration will be two months, counting from the receipt of the notification by the successful contractor.

Federico Alarcón has explained that the object of the contract, carried out by the Department of Quality of Urban Services, directed by Sandra Sánchez, is the correction of several deficiencies that occurred in public lighting in different locations in the municipality, whose repair is not contemplated among the work to be carried out in the current public lighting maintenance and conservation contract.

In this sense, Sandra Sánchez has indicated, the needs that have occurred require that the facilities be modified in terms of their configuration due to various reasons:

-Reform of the installation of the Quirón Hospital area: it is necessary to modify the installation because currently, part of the public lighting is powered from the supply of the hospital itself.

Part of the lighting circuits of the Quirón and Islas Hormigas hospitals must be restored and incorporated into public lighting, since they are currently fed from supply points outside the council. Also, most of the luminaires are broken or burnt out, so they must be replaced to properly illuminate the Islas Hormigas area.

-Cable replacement: it is necessary to replace the stolen cable between the roundabouts of the CV-905 road.

-Green areas of Islas Hormigas: the lighting installation must be modified, since currently the electricity supply comes from the adjacent urbanization, both from the two green areas and from the street that connects them. You also have to replace the lights.

-Installation of a new pedestrian crossing lamppost: due to the poor lighting at the exit of the roundabout of c/ Orihuela with Ronda Ricardo Lafuente Aguado, in the direction of the urban area, it is necessary to install a new lighting point.

-Installation of three streetlights on Paseo del Acantilado in Cabo Cervera: this area does not have public lighting, so it is necessary to install three lighting points.

-Installation of lighting in c/ Alborán, access passageway to the “La Purísima” school, since this area currently does not have public lighting, and it will be executed in accordance with the Project approved for this purpose. Lastly, public lighting must be provided to the access area to the “La Purísima” school as this area has recently passed into the Public Domain.