Grants to promote the circular economy in the company 2022

Foto Noticia Subvencion
192 million euros to promote the circular economy within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has published a call for aid , within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, to support projects that contribute to promoting the sustainability and circularity of industrial and business processes. The Biodiversity Foundation will be in charge of managing this call, in its capacity as a collaborating entity, with the aim of improving the competitiveness and innovation of the industrial fabric within the framework of a circular economy, which exceeds the traditional linear production model.

Objective: The purpose of these grants is to promote the sustainability and circularity of industrial and business processes to improve the competitiveness and innovation of the industrial fabric within the framework of a circular economy, which exceeds the previous model of linear production.

Directed: The call, aimed at the private sector, can opt for social economy entities and groups of the above, participated by at least one SME, start-up or social economy entity. Legally and validly constituted foreign entities that have an establishment or branch in Spain may also be eligible for aid.


1. Actions belonging to the following categories of action, which contribute substantially to the transition towards a circular economy in one of the following categories, will be eligible for subsidy:

a) Reduction of the consumption of virgin raw materials.

b) Ecodesign and placing on the market of products made under ecodesign schemes. c) Improvement of waste management.

d) Digital transformation of processes through infrastructures and systems.


The call, endowed with 192 million euros, includes grants of between €150,000 and €10 million for actions that contribute substantially to the transition towards a circular economy: reduction in the consumption of virgin raw materials; ecodesign and placing on the market of products made under its schemes; improvement of waste management; digital transformation of processes through infrastructures and systems. R&D projects in the first three categories will also be eligible for these grants.

Amount per project: between 150,000 euros and 10 million euros

Submission deadline: The deadline for submitting applications ends on January 23, 2023. The evaluation of the projects will be carried out on a competitive basis. The resolution of the call is expected by the middle of next year.

For more information consult the BIODIVERSITY FOUNDATION .