Course for the Creation of a Digital Company

The Emprende Digital course is back for unemployed young people between the ages of 16 and 30 enrolled in the Digital Guarantee System.
Encourage entrepreneurs to join the labor market, through the creation of a business project. Through the organization and promotion of teaching activities aimed at training for entrepreneurship.
The program will address the labor integration needs of the beneficiaries, promoting self-employment, an entrepreneurial spirit, and the creation of innovative, viable, and sustainable companies.
- Group training sessions (5 hours/module), including practical workshops for real application in the company.
- Individualized follow-up and follow-up actions (1 hour per participant and module).
- Module I : The business idea. Opportunities identification.
- Module II : Marketing 2.0 in the creation of a company + Practical workshop of real application in a company.
- Module III : Online positioning and reputation + Practical workshop on real application in business.
- Module IV : Finance area.
- Module V : The community manager, internet advertising, email marketing and web analytics + Practical workshop on real application in business.
- Module VI : Competitiveness, eco-efficiency, the new growth strategy of the European green pact and the objectives of sustainable development in the company + Practical workshop of real application in company.
- Module VII : Influencity marketing.
- Module VIII : Creation of an online store and social media in an omnichannel environment.
- Module IX : Tax legal area in the company.
- Module X : Audiovisual support and mobile marketing for the promotion of the business + Practical workshop of real application in company.
The best project, will be able to choose, during 6 months to:
- An office in the nursery of the Chamber (INCUB)
- Accompaniment and advice on the implementation of the chosen business idea
Classes will be face-to-face 2 days a week at the Alcoy Chamber of Commerce. From February 1 to March 20, 2023