The attendees are professionals from the sector, companies from all fields and heads of public administration. This difference of opinion will generate exposure and debate on various ways of dealing with the same problem, in addition to providing the keys to possible solutions. That is why every month we enjoy a discussion table, which will be organized by a professional association, according to the sector on which the subject is intended.
From the Official College and Valencian Association of Telecommunications Graduates and Technical Engineers, we will discuss, within the telecommunications sector, the issue of cybersecurity. The final culmination after the different short cycles organized in different parts of the territory of the CV will be a congress where all the notable topics dealt with from the different professional fields will come together.
"The role of Cybersecurity on the road to Digital Transformation"
- Carolina Villalobos , Commissioner for Digitization and Cybersecurity of the Generalitat Valenciana
- Mario Trigueros , Technical Manager of the Nunsys Cybersecurity Unit
- Juan Mármol , Director of Alliances at ISACA Valencia
"Cybersecurity for SMEs"
- Jesús Amorós , Cybersecurity Manager at SECRON Cybersecurity
You can sign up at the following link .