3 keys to get clients through LinkedIn

Noticia Ponencia Linkedln
In this masterclass all the opportunities offered by the professional social network will be studied.
  • It will become clear to you how LinkedIn works
  • You will know how to create an organic and ad-supported content strategy.
  • You will know which content format is the most interesting and which tools facilitate the process of creating content.
  • Know what a digital plan is and how to put it into practice.
  • You will be able to attract interesting people to your profile: possible clients, collaborators, partners, … etc.
  • You will understand what type of content is usually ranked first by how the Linkedin robot works.
  • Key 1: Personal profile and company pages:
    • SEO positioning
    • Important aspects of the profile
    • Audit of attendee profiles
    • Doubts and Networking
  • Key 2: Content Strategy
    • Find your voice on Linkedin
    • Most successful themes and formats
    • Frequency
    • hashtags
    • Algorithms: How they work
    • Doubts and Networking
  • Key 3: Contact Strategy
    • How to find our Target on Linkedin
    • Best practices on how to include Linkedin in your daily routine
    • Linkedin Bots
    • Doubts and Networking

The date and time will be: February 24, 27 and 28, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. (6 hours). The price 99 euros VAT included and the minimum places 9 people.