Conscious leadership, consequences of Emotional Intelligence as an ally

Noticia Liderazgo
A new talk aimed at entrepreneurs and SMEs in which you will be able to understand and verify the benefits that are achieved by applying emotional intelligence in a company.

Conscious leadership, empowerment, emotional freedom, responsibility, productivity, good vibes and more billing are key objectives to achieve professional success and this conference will address the plan to achieve them by applying emotional intelligence from a new consciousness; the emotional state of one party affects the entire company.

In this session, you will learn and put into practice the following concepts :

  • Conscious leadership vs current leadership.
  • Good vibes, nice atmosphere = + productivity.
  • Emotional intelligence is your best ally.
  • Checkmate a rotten apple.
  • Empowerment and freedom as keys to high billing.


  • Miriam Llopis: Founder and director of MLT.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the CEEI Elche. Ronda Vall de Uxó, 125 Elx/Elche (Alicante)

You can sign up at the link to the original news .