Talk by the prestigious psychologist "Patri Psicóloga" tomorrow, at the Municipal Theater, within the first conference on mental health

These conferences will feature talks and workshops by leading Mental Health professionals such as Berta Villagordo, Esther Lledó, Begoña Cabrera, Miguel Jesús Sánchez and Pepe Riquelme, who will talk about the management of mental health problems faced by children and adolescents.

The Departments of Education, Health and Social Welfare of the Torrevieja City Council have launched the first Conference on Mental Health, which will be held on Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 April in Torrevieja. Conferences focused on health professionals, education and families.

Conferences that will feature talks and workshops by great Mental Health professionals such as Berta Villagordo, Esther Lledó, Begoña Cabrera, Miguel Jesús Sánchez and Pepe Riquelme, who will talk about the management of mental health problems faced by children and adolescents, they will talk about addictions, eating disorders, how to deal with suicide, self-harm, etc.

The main act of these conferences will be the talk by the well-known and prestigious psychologist "Patri Psicóloga", one of the most influential psychologists in Spain and has been awarded the Prize of the Official College of Psychologists of Eastern Andalusia for the best disseminator on social networks. . His books are leaders in sales, currently having more than 1,000,000 followers on social networks.

Patri Psychologist will give a talk entitled "How to take care of the self-esteem of our sons and daughters", at the Municipal Theater of Torrevieja, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets for this talk sold out weeks ago.