The Municipal Animal Shelter encourages adoptions with school visits


For the second consecutive year, the Municipal Animal Shelter has implemented a campaign to publicize the daily activities of the enclosure and also promote the adoption of animals, mainly dogs and cats, among the city's schools.

The first of the visiting schools was the CEIP "Amanecer", which brought 140 students who witnessed the presentation of some twenty dogs that need to be integrated into a home, to receive the love and care they require as living beings "with feeling”, as pointed out by the Councilor for Animal Protection, Concha Sala, during the welcome to the visitors to the facility.

The volunteers and the Shelter staff were the ones who introduced each of the dogs that were the object of affection and sympathy from the girls and boys who attended the visit along with the teachers. The hostel is open so that schools that wish can join in carrying out this enriching and educational activity.