Youth opens registration for a cultural trip to the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia for its 25th anniversary

The excursion will be on Saturday, June 17, and has a price of €29 with everything included

The Youth Department of the Torrevieja City Council informs that the registration period for the cultural trip to the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia, on the occasion of the celebration of its 25th Anniversary, is now open.

The excursion, which will take place next Saturday, June 17, costs 29 euros and includes visits to the science museums, 3D projection at the Hemisféric and entrance to the Oceanográfic, as well as the bus and travel insurance. The trip is open to people of all ages, with preference for young people between the ages of 12 and 35. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult and places are limited.

For more information, registration and reservations, those interested can go in person to the CIAJ, located at Paseo Juan Aparicio, No. 5, or find out through their social networks @torreviejajuventud on Instagram or Facebook, telephone 965714072, whatsapp 606055291, email juventud@torrevieja. eu and on the municipal website