The installation of 30 sets of underground containers begins in the municipality of Torrevieja

The 30 pieces of equipment that are being installed (each of them with 4 underground containers) operate with mechanical lifting systems for horizontal platforms, known as the "scissor" type, proving to be the most effective and reliable on the market.
The Councilor for Urban Cleaning of the Torrevieja City Council, Diana Box Alonso, reports that Acciona, the company awarded the waste collection, landfill transport, street cleaning and coastal cleaning and maintenance service, has already begun the implementation of the new equipment of underground containers to house the remaining fraction.

Box Alonso indicates that these 30 pieces of equipment that are being installed (each one with 4 underground containers) operate with mechanical lifting systems for horizontal platforms, known as the "scissor" type, proving to be the most effective and reliable on the market. Equipment that has been tested in the worst weather conditions, areas with a high level of salinity, water, cold or heat, prevailing good condition in that work environment; At the same time, they are the most competitive from the point of view of manufacturing and maintenance costs.

The equipment is made of hot-dip galvanized steel, to increase its corrosion resistance capabilities and its operation consists of the sheet of mechanical elements, some being inserted in the interior spaces of the others, requiring minimum volumes for their installation, in addition to contributing high magnitudes of displacement in the vertical plane with minimal thrust forces.

The mechanism is essentially useful in lifting systems by hydraulic drive, since it allows maintaining the balance of the structure when it moves in the vertical plane during the lifting/lowering process, at all times promoting the horizontal stability of the platform during its movements. without giving it room for deviations that could cause the mechanism to get stuck inside the passenger compartment.

The purpose of these underground equipment is:

  1. Garbage is out of sight . The accumulation of bags and waste in a container affects the city in various ways. Aesthetics is one of the parts most damaged by this practice. But not only that: it can cause bad odors and make road traffic more difficult. With underground containers it is possible to avoid all these problems, since being underground makes it difficult for odors and waste to reach the surface.
  2. It does not affect the environment . One of the benefits of underground containers that arouse more interest is that they are elements that barely modify the urban space. They adapt perfectly to the area in which they are installed and, in addition, they do not damage street furniture or pavement. Of course, they take up much less space than surface containers.
  3. Reduces architectural barriers . In general, traditional containers are not adapted for people with reduced mobility. Underground containers, on the other hand, are perfect for removing obstacles to performing such a simple task.