Foto noticia innovacion

The Councilor for Relations with the EU, Gitte Lund Thomsen was in charge of inaugurating the conference 'Opportunity Europe. Financing for companies and the self-employed', the first of the events planned by the Torrevieja City Council to bring the European Union closer to the Torrevieja social and business fabric. For this, the City Council's attention service for companies and the self-employed was informed and that it provides online, telephone and face-to-face service with two specialized techniques in subsidies at the forefront. During the presentation they made, they showed how from the website any interested person, regardless of whether it is a self-employed person/company, representative of a non-profit entity or Citizens in general can access information about the aid that is open whether they come from European funds or from other administrations (Diputación de Alicante, Generalitat Valenciana or the Government of Spain).

The technicians explained that they plan to launch a weekly subsidy bulletin that they will send to those who have requested it at today's event or do so on the form that is enabled for it and which is also accessible on the municipal website. :
Through this form you can also contact the service, as well as by telephone 607 822 878 and the email

The day continued with the intervention of Ana Jordá, a technician from the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, who told the details of the digital kit, a subsidy -as she commented- that almost all the self-employed and SMEs with less than 50 employees can apply for. Jordá explained the procedure to apply for the subsidy, which can range from 2,000 to 12,000 euros depending on the number of people employed, the role of digitizing agents and the purpose of the aid, which is used to carry out digitization actions in companies, in specifically for the creation or improvement of the website and internet presence, e-commerce, social network management, customer management, business intelligence and analytics, virtual office services and tools, process management, electronic invoicing, secure communications and cybersecurity. The presentation of the Alicante Chamber of Commerce is available at the following link:

To conclude the day, Julián Delgado, Head of the Planning and Programming Service of the Valencian Office for the Recovery of the Generalitat Valenciana, took the floor, who explained the impact of European funds in our Community and the way to access subsidies and financing aimed at companies and freelancers. Delgado reviewed the grants currently open and the reference pages where we can stay informed of the new calls. This presentation, where you can access the links of these sources of information, can be seen here:
The recording of the event can be seen at this link: