The Councilor for Employment and Development, Domingo Paredes, reports that the Torrevieja City Council, through the Local Development Agency (ADL) and thanks to the agreement signed with AGAMED, will give 11 free online courses, which will take place between the months of July and December 2023.
Domingo Paredes has indicated that, as in previous editions, these are training actions to the needs detected in the city of Torrevieja and try to improve access to employment for its participants. These courses, which offer a total of 185 places, are aimed at unemployed registered in LABORA as a job seeker and registered in Torrevieja. In all courses the number of students will be 15, except for food handlers, which may be 25.
The courses offered are the following:
-Food handler and allergen management - hospitality branch (two courses: July 20 and November 23, 5 hours).
- Sanitary hygiene (from September 4 to 6, 3:00 p.m.).
- School canteen monitor (from September 11 to 14, 8:00 p.m.).
- Introduction to video game design (from September 11 to 22, 50 hours).
- Intensive English course to prepare for the official B1 exam (September 11 to 27, 90 hours).
- Introduction to cybersecurity (September 25 to October 7, 50 hours).
- Design of web pages (from October 16 to 27, 50 hours).
- Initial French (from November 13 to 28, 60 hours).
- Initiation for video editing for content creators, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok... (from November 20 to December 1, 50 hours).
- Introduction to artificial intelligence programming (from November 6 to 17, 50 hours).
Finally, Domingo Paredes, has indicated that all those interested should enroll in these online courses at www.adl-torrevieja.es Training / Training Offer section https://adl-torrevieja.es/formacion-web/cursos .
IMPORTANT: Attach the DNI/NIE and DARDE to the registration.