Tomorrow opens the period for submitting applications to participate in the "Caballito de Mar" Summer School

This summer school, which will take place from July 31 to August 18 at the Habaneras public school, is intended for boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 17 with specific educational support needs.

The Councilor for Social Welfare of the Torrevieja City Council, Óscar Urtasun, informs that from tomorrow, Wednesday, July 12, and until Friday, July 14 (or until the places are filled), the period for submitting applications will be kept open to participate in the "Caballito de Mar" Summer School, which will take place from July 31 to August 18 (15 excluded), at the Habaneras public school. The list of admitted students will be made public on Wednesday, July 19.

Applications can be collected on the Torrevieja City Council website ( ) and at the Social Welfare offices, and must be submitted at the City Council Registry (PROP) or by Electronic Office.

More information on the phone 966 706 666.

There are 17 places offered for this summer school, which are intended for boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 17 with specific educational support needs. They must be registered in Torrevieja, be in possession of the certificate of recognition of a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%, and have been born between the years 2006 and 2019, both inclusive.

In Caballito de Mar motor activities, art therapy and music therapy will be developed, they are free and the hours will be from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The main objective of Caballito de mar is for the participants to take part of the summer holidays, promote their social integration and, at the same time, support families in the cases of students who need more attention and care.

The personal means for the development of this modality and for the 17 students will be the following: 4 monitors (or, in a ratio 1 monitor/4 students) plus 2 educators (or, in a ratio 1 educator/8 students) and 1 coordinator. All professionals will have the appropriate training and experience in the field of education and specifically in special education, of at least 1 school year or a Summer School, as graduates or graduates in psychology, or pedagogy, or graduate or graduate in psychopedagogy, or a teacher with a diploma or degree in therapeutic pedagogy, or a leisure and free time monitor, or a socio-cultural animation technician with a higher level training cycle, or similar qualifications with Caballito de Mar activities.