The Brilla Torrevieja festival will have a purple point for priority attention in case of sexual or sexist violence

The objective of this municipal initiative is to have an easily identifiable point at all festival concerts where anyone who may be the victim of conduct that can be considered sexual or sexist violence can go.
punto violeta

The Councilor for Equality and Women of the Torrevieja City Council, Inmaculada Montesinos, accompanied by the Councilor for Social Welfare, Óscar Urtasun, and the Councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, have presented this morning the Violet Point for priority attention in case of violence of a sexual or sexist nature or any type of violence against women, which will be installed in all the concerts that are going to be held at the Brilla Torrevieja Festival. A Violet Point that has been put into operation with the collaboration of the Civil Protection body and has been facilitated by the organizing team of Brilla Torrevieja.

Inmaculada Montesinos has reported that the objective of this municipal initiative is to have an easily identifiable point where a person who may be the victim of conduct that can be considered sexual or sexist violence can go.

Likewise, it will also serve as a point of reference for the environment of a possible victim, a place where they can go if they witness or fear any aggressive behavior of this nature. In festive and leisure spaces, especially at night, attitudes have come to normalize that can threaten the safety and freedom of women.

For the councilor for Women and Equality, it is important to make the purple dot visible as a mechanism for prevention and awareness in matters of sexual, sexist or any type of violence against women, so it will have information material with basic tips to prevent and advice about chemical submission.


The Councilor for Culture, Antonio Quesada, has informed that the action will be to accompany the possible victim until the mechanisms already protocolized in this matter are articulated from 112. Sexual/sexist assault in a leisure environment can be initiated by a woman or people around her who report a possible assault and/or event personnel who detect or suspect an assault.

Go to the purple point where there will be Civil Protection personnel in charge of activating the protocol. Likewise, an audible alarm will be delivered so that anyone who wants to can carry it during the event and activate it in the event that they feel threatened at any time.

The Department of Equality is already conducting training on the Protocol for action against sexual violence and other gender-based violence in leisure spaces in the Valencia Community, and the intention is to formalize the City Council's adherence to this protocol. Civil Protection has also joined this training provided by the Ministry.

The protocol highlights the increase in reported sexual crimes in Spain, there is a social alarm regarding the increase in reported sexual crimes in Spain, and this alarm is clearly justified. According to these data, in recent years there has been a growth in crimes against sexual freedom.

With a rise close to 90% in a decade (2012-2021), its increase continues in a trend of strong increase that began, above all, from the year 2014. Comparing with the figures of the year 2019 (20,343 registered cases), in In the first nine months of 2022, a total of 13,455 cases have been registered, which represents an increase of 30.1% between the two dates.

As far as the Valencian Community is concerned, unfortunately it must be said that it follows the same ascending line, and we occupy, according to a report of Crimes Against Sexual Indemnity of 2021, of the Ministry of the Interior, the fourth position with respect to the Autonomous Communities, and Valencia , the third regarding Provinces of Spain.