The officials and negotiation tables of the Torrevieja City Council have been held

The Councilor for Personnel has highlighted that the City Council continues to strengthen the workforce in areas as important and in need as the Local Police and Social Welfare, at the same time that it is increasing in other departments where the needs that are being requested are being covered.

The Councilor for Personnel of the Torrevieja City Council, María José Ruiz, reports that last Friday, July 28, the Board of Officials was constituted for the first time in this City Council, made up of the unions that have obtained representation in the last elections in March of 2023 and the new members of the municipal corporation.

The objective of this table is to deal with those issues that only affect career officials, and chaired by the mayor of the city, Eduardo Dolón, and accompanied by the area councilor, María José Ruiz, the General Director of Human Resources, Rosana Henarejos , and José Antonio Arenas as area coach.

In the Board of Officials, the selective process of free opposition for 5 positions for General Administration janitors was approved, and the Temporary Employment Exchange for Janitors was realized. In addition, some employment improvements and selective processes for internal promotion of General Administration Administrators were approved.

Next, also in the Plenary Hall of the City Council, the General Negotiation Table took place, a body where both civil servants and labor are represented, to approve things as important as:

1. Regulatory regulation of the complement of productivity of the personnel at the service of this City Council . The aforementioned supplement is intended to reward the degree of interest, initiative or effort with which the employee performs his work, in accordance with general, common and objective criteria previously agreed by both parties.

2. Implementation of the City Council complaints channel as an internal information system . Where any citizen, public employee or member of the municipal corporation can denounce or alert, or inform the City Council of actions or omissions that may constitute an infringement, included in this channel.

3. Modification of the RPT for the creation of the following positions:

- 4 Technicians from the General Administration (ADL Department for the management of subsidies, Contracting Department, and Assets and Legal Department)

- 1 Concierge on the occasion of the opening of CEIP No. 14 next year.

- 1 Architect and 1 Road, Canal and Port Engineer for the Urban Planning Department.

- 1 Psychologist for the Specific Team for Intervention with Children and Adolescents (EEIA)

- 1 social worker for the Department of Social Welfare.

- 1 Social Welfare Coordinator in accordance with the obligation of the function in all teams of primary care Social Services professionals.

- 15 Local Police Agent positions given the existing needs to guarantee the provision of functions.

- Creation of the positions of Tax Management Body and head of the body specialized in resolving economic-administrative claims, as established by the legislation in municipalities with a large population, such as Torrevieja.

María José Ruiz has indicated that, as can be seen, the workforce continues to be reinforced in areas as important and in need as the Local Police and Social Welfare, while it is increasing in other departments where the needs are being covered. requesting.

Finally, the Councilor for Personnel has highlighted the enormous work carried out by the members of the Works Council and the personnel board in the drafting and unanimous approval of the productivity regulations, as well as the personnel area of this Town Hall.