Results of the 3rd edition of the Applied Digitization course

Foto noticia innovacion

Between August 21 and 25, the 3rd edition of the Applied Digitalization course was held in the classroom of the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Center.
This is a free course that the Torrevieja City Council offers within the framework of aid related to the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union, Next Generation EU.
As in the rest of the editions, anyone can apply for the course, although preference is given to those who belong to certain groups, including low-skilled workers, workers over 45 years of age and workers with disabilities.
On this occasion, seven people have taken the course, some of whom give their opinion in the recording made by Televisión Torrevieja and which can be downloaded from the Files button at the bottom of this page.
The call for a 4th edition of the course is expected shortly. The carrying out of the ten planned editions was awarded to the BE MAGIC academy, in Torrevieja, and the Computer Engineer Mr. José Antonio Esteve Sáez is a professor.
It is an initiative of the Department of Innovation, Citizen Services and Transparency, headed by Councilor Ricardo Recuero.

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