Communicate in the company: from why to how

In a world where effective communication is essential, transmitting clear and consistent messages, both internally and externally, is paramount. On this day, communication professionals will explain to us how to build a solid brand identity and how to communicate it consistently through various communication channels. AIMED AT: Startups, CEOs or managers of small and medium-sized companies, entrepreneurial people who want to improve their communication.

During the workshop Conchita Lucas, director of the Valencia Office of Kreab España , Communication and Public Affairs consultant, will teach a corporate communication masterclass, where we will explore the best practices and key strategies to strengthen communication within organizations, and we will immerse ourselves in the world of external communication and corporate reputation management.

In addition, Belén Bordils, director of Speech Comunica , will give the guidelines and tips to make your pitch more persuasive and generate engagement with your audience. You will be able to see pitches from triple impact companies and the feedback from experts in this area who will carry out an evaluation and assessment of the presentations made by the companies participating in LLAMP Acceleration 3I.


09:30h Reception and accreditations.

09:45h Inauguration and Welcome, by Joaquín Alcázar, director of the CEEI Elche.

10:00h Communication masterclass “Corporate communication. Oriented to value creation", by Conchita Lucas, office director of Kreab Valencia.

10:45h Public speaking masterclass “How to communicate effectively”, by Belén Bordils from Speech Comunica .

11:15 a.m. Networking Café

11:35h 3I company pitches + feedback from Belén Bordils and Bruno Dureux , CEO of Innoventures Capital .

1:00 p.m. Institutional closing.

DATE AND PLACE: September 26 at the Quorum I Building

More information and registration at CEEI

Tips for effective communication

  • If we analyze everything that surrounds a brand, we can perceive that everything is communication within a company or project. Hence the importance of aligning this communication with business values and making it serve as a means to achieve the objectives set within the organization.
  • In order to help companies achieve their communication objectives, the CEEIs of the Valencian Community have organized three “Communication Workshops for entrepreneurs”. These will take place in Elche, Castellón and Valenciana and each one will address a masterclass in communication, relations with the media, and how to make corporate content more newsworthy and attractive.
  • In these sessions, communication professionals will give tips to communicate successfully, highlight the strengths of a project through words and images, capture the attention of the recipient and learn to identify the key messages essential in a persuasive speech.
  • After the masterclass, triple impact companies participating in the Llamp 3i program will have the opportunity to make their speech and receive feedback from experts, who will evaluate and evaluate the presentations made by the companies.