Promote SMEs Program. Activate Growth

impulsa pymes
ACTIVA GROWTH is a specialized and personalized ADVISORY PROGRAM, carried out by accredited collaborating entities, whose objective is to offer an internal diagnosis and analysis of the company and the business model in order to detect its potential areas of growth, which will continue with the preparation of a Growth Plan with a proposal for specific improvement actions in some of the following areas, among others: innovation, human resources, operations, digitalization, finances, marketing and commercialization. Said Plan will include the strategic lines on which the company must work and will define the roadmap to implement each of the proposed actions.

It is an initiative promoted by the General Secretariat of Industry and SMEs, of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism in the development of its National Strategy for Connected Industry 4.0, which has among its objectives to increase industrial added value and qualified employment in the sector, favoring its own model for the industry of the future by developing the local offer of digital solutions, and also promoting differential competitive levers to support the Spanish industry and boost its exports.

These aid are financed by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain.


All types of SMEs , especially small companies with the capacity for business growth.


Help in specialized and personalized consulting format for each beneficiary SME.

Depending on the characteristics, needs and requirements of the SME, matching will be done to assign the most appropriate consultants.

The program consists of 50 hours divided into 3 or 4 months. The distribution of these hours, as well as the schedules, will be established later with the consultants so that they are as appropriate as possible. But he goes out an average of 2.5 hours a week. They will be telematic meetings.

It is structured in 3 phases:

  • Diagnosis of the company, to detect growth points.
  • General and specific growth plan in any of these areas: Marketing, Finance, Innovation, HR, Operations, Digitalization.
  • Assessment, analysis and closure.

There will also be at least 3 in-person visits by the consultants and a group workshop/webinar to create synergies between the participating SMEs.


  • Comply with the SME condition.
  • Be up to date with compliance with tax obligations.
  • Be up to date with compliance with Social Security obligations.
  • Be registered in the Business Census.
  • Establish a tax domicile and its main operating center in Spain.


Interested companies must apply for help through Impulsa Pymes . Startups, scaleups and SMEs must fill out a short form where the information will be expanded and thus know their area of interest.

More information at CEEI