The Municipal Institute of Culture obtains a subsidy from the Alicante Provincial Council for the Museum of the Sea and Salt


The Councilor for Culture and vice president of the “Joaquín Chapaprieta” Municipal Institute of Culture, Mr. Antonio Quesada announces that on August 21, the resolution was published granting the “Joaquín Chapaprieta” Municipal Institute of Culture a subsidy offered by the Excellency Provincial Council of Alicante destined to cover part of the expenses incurred for the creation of information panels and museological renovation of the Museum of the Sea and Salt.

The amount granted represents 49.61% of the total expense, with the amount granted being 4,826.38 euros.

From the Municipal Institute of Culture we are pleased to be able to affirm that the renovation of the museum has been well received by its visitors, as the number of visits has grown by 30%, as well as favorable comments both from the museum staff and on social networks.

We would also like to comment that the information panels are available to anyone who wants to consult them on the website Museum of the Sea and Salt | Torrevieja Town Hall in both Spanish and English, as well as an audio guide in Spanish. At the same time we want to announce that the same website will be expanded with other languages as well as informative material related to the history of our city will be progressively uploaded.