How to Ask Powerful Questions and Start Sales Conversations on LinkedIn

Conversaciones de venta en Linkedin

Knowing how to ask powerful questions on Linkedin opens up a range of possibilities for starting sales conversations with decision makers.

Imagine having the ability to craft questions that ignite their curiosity, making them yearn to know more. With this workshop you will know how to ask questions that spark the interest of your prospects and make them feel that you are the solution to their needs.


  • Open up a world of possibilities: With a powerful question, you will break barriers and get responses to your Linkedin messages without having to wait forever.
  • Unblock your prospects: A powerful question at the right time will make them feel identified and awaken the need in their mind.
  • Provide significant value: By asking powerful questions you will discover exactly what you need to know to deliver the value they hope to find in you.

DATE AND PLACE: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 from 4:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., IN-PERSON session.

PRICE: free, prior registration at the top.

Registration in CEEI .