17th edition of the UPV Ideas Awards

premios ideas

The IDEAS UPV Awards are back with the aim of promoting and consolidating the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the UPV, rewarding and recognizing the best business initiatives and trajectories that have been launched or developed with the help of the UPV through the support of the Area IDEAS UPV entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial teams with business projects established as a company and attached to IDEAS UPV may participate in the call.


There is a total of 30,000 euros divided into FOUR CATEGORIES: LEAN, ADVANCE, SPIN OFF and ENTREPRENEURIAL WOMAN.

1-“LEAN” Awards

Companies established as of January 1, 2020 or with a VOLUME OF BILLING (Operating Income) of maximum 30,000 euros until the deadline for submitting applications to this call

  • FIRST prize: 3,500 euros
  • SECOND prize: 2,500 euros
  • THIRD prize: 1,500 euros

2- “AVANZA” Awards

Companies with economic activity and established before December 31, 2019, inclusive, or a turnover volume (Operating income) greater than 30,000 euros until the deadline for submitting applications to this call.

  • FIRST prize: 6,000 euros
  • SECOND prize: 5,000 euros
  • THIRD prize: 4,0000 euros


Companies that have been founded or co-founded by women, where the participation (share capital) of women from the UPV (students or graduates) is greater than or equal to 50%, and/or in which the leadership of the company is held by a woman from the UPV (student or graduate) who is a partner in the company.

  • A prize of 3,000 euros

4-“SPIN OFF” Award

Companies promoted by UPV staff based on the university research activity of the UPV (UPV Spin-off).

  • A prize of 4,500 euros

The Lean, Avanza and Spin-off categories are mutually exclusive.


Application submission period open until October 18, 2023.

More information in CEEI