Approved the contracting file for the construction of a sports court in the Plaza de Oriente

plaza de oriente
It is about providing this central square in Torrevieja, popularly known as “La Ermita”, with a facility that allows the safe practice of games and sports in general, especially for minors.

The extraordinary and urgent Local Government Board held last Tuesday, October 24, has approved the contracting file for the construction of a sports court in the Plaza de Oriente, through a simplified open procedure, supporting report, technical sheet, specifications sheet technical and administrative clauses. The base tender budget amounts to 190,000 euros (VAT included).

Once the works have been put out to tender and subsequently awarded, the execution period will be six months, which will begin counting from the date of commencement of the works in accordance with the signing of the stakeout document.

The purpose of this contract is to provide this central square, popularly known as “La Ermita”, with an outdoor facility that allows the safe practice of games and sports in general, guaranteeing its functional and urban integration in this public space that is very popular with local youth.

With the construction of this sports court, intended primarily for minors' play, it is also intended to enhance the existing plaza, enhance the use and enjoyment of the space, safeguarding the safety of existing buildings and facilities and guaranteeing the safety of citizens. of the different spaces and uses that are developed in the Plaza de Oriente.