Transforming companies: SDG 2030 and Enabling Technologies

transformando empresas

The Focus SME and Entrepreneurship event, which this year encompasses the regions of L'Alacantí, Marina Baixa and Marina Alta 23 , will have as its main axis enabling technologies, which range from artificial intelligence to renewable energies and biotechnology, and They act as catalysts that enhance the capacity of nations and communities to achieve the SDGs. These technological tools and solutions not only open up new possibilities, but also empower individuals, businesses and governments to address complex challenges and seize new opportunities.

On this day we will see how by combining the SDGs with enabling technologies, a path is created towards a more equitable and sustainable future, where innovation and global cooperation are key to facing the challenges of our time.

Initiative promoted and financed by the Generalitat Valenciana , through the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) , within its policy of supporting innovative entrepreneurship, and organized by CEEI Elche, and a large number of entities in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the regions of L'Alacantí, Marina Baixa and Marina Alta.

09:45 to 10:00 Reception and accreditation of attendees

Attend minutes before the event begins, in this way, we will validate your registration and credit you to access the room.

10:00 to 10:10 Institutional opening

At the opening we will have the presence of:

  • María Dolores Romero Sánchez , Innovation Coordinator at FEMPA-INNOMETALIA.
  • José Javier García Zamora , president of the CEEI Elche.
  • Rafael Escamilla, director of External Relations of IVACE.

10:10 to 10:50 Application of the SDGs and AGENDA 2030 in SMEs

Integrating the SDGs into business strategies is not only an ethical obligation, but also an opportunity for sustainable growth and innovation, driving positive impact both locally and globally.

In this session we will see the strategies to follow to achieve a profitable application of the SDGs in SMEs, and practical success cases

10:50 to 11:35 Practical applications of enabling technologies

This session will show practical cases of companies that are using these technologies in some area of their value chain, providing innovation to their processes.

11:35 to 12:00 Networking Coffee

Opportunity to establish contact with all event attendees and interact on different issues of innovation, sustainability and artificial intelligence.

12:00 to 12:30 Visit Fempa facilities

At the end of the networking café, a guided tour of the Fempa facilities will be offered.

More information at CEEI