The painting work on the existing lamination pond in the Torreta Florida urbanization is completed

The work has consisted of painting the walls of this large pond, designed and carried out by the local artist Carlos Vera, and which represents a compendium of images of the Natural Park of the lagoons of La Mata and Torrevieja

The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, together with the Councilor for Urban Services, Sandra Sánchez, and the manager of AGAMED, Jorge Ballesta, have visited the rolling pond built in the Torreta Florida urbanization to check the completion of the landscape integration work , with an atypical solution, which consisted of painting the walls of this large pond, designed and carried out by the local artist Carlos Vera. A large mural that represents a compendium of images of the Natural Park of the La Mata and Torrevieja lagoons.

This pond, which functions as a lamination area for temporary storage of rainwater in episodes of heavy rain in order to avoid flooding in the streets and nearby homes, will include the improvement of the existing space so that it can be used outside of during periods of heavy rain and, in this way, take advantage of it as a public space with sports facilities while integrating it into the environment.

This Torreta Florida lamination pond has a water storage capacity of approximately 9,000 m3, and its design has met the proposed objective. To enhance and improve the use of this space when there are no rain events, the installation of a skate park or area has been designed, which will be made up of several prefabricated concrete modules. In addition to this, an Outdoor Fitness or Calisthenics area has been planned and the construction of some bench modules around the existing tree pits in the pond. These sports facilities will be executed starting in January 2024 by AGAMED, after the investments were approved by the last Board of Directors of the mixed company of the Torrevieja integral water cycle.

Finally, the mayor has reported that also in 2024, to expand the storage capacity, a large green area has been designed next to this pond, which will include the construction of a second rolling pond to which the water will reach from this pond. pond already built through some surface landfills (when the rains are torrential and greater rainwater retention capacity is needed), and which will have a storage capacity of 1,867 m3.