Sustainability, individualization and digitalization: Megatrends of Sports Tourism

megatendencias del turismo deportivo

The Entrepreneurship with Talent Forum is aimed at entrepreneurs and managers of SMEs and entrepreneurs in an advanced phase of development, and aims to promote synergies between companies, as well as detect and present new business opportunities of interest to companies. companies and entrepreneurs.

The initiative is promoted and financed by the Generalitat Valenciana, through the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE), within its policy of supporting innovative entrepreneurship, and organized by CEEI Elche and Lab Nucía.


Sports tourism of the future will undergo a significant transformation, driven by a number of key factors. The growing importance of sustainability will translate into a greener approach, where events and sports facilities will be designed with the environmental footprint in mind. Digitalization will play a critical role in making it easier to personalize sporting experiences for each individual, from ticket booking to participating in virtual events in real time. Additionally, individualism will be a determining factor, as travelers will seek unique and personalized sports experiences that suit their interests and preferences.

Companies in the tourism sector will need to take advantage of these megatrends by implementing sustainable technologies, creating personalized digital platforms and offering tourism packages that meet the demands of individualistic travelers, thus opening new market opportunities and promoting more inclusive sports tourism. and sustainable.

But how can companies benefit from these megatrends? In this event we tell you.

10:00 to 10:10 Reception and accreditation

Attend minutes before the event begins, in this way, we will validate your registration and credit you to access the room.

10:10 to 10:20 Institutional opening

At the opening we will have the presence of:

  • Joaquín Alcázar Cano , director of the CEEI Elche.
  • Cristóbal Llorens , Councilor for Industry and Commerce of the La Nucía City Council.

10:20 to 10:45 The Sustainability Megatrend: “How to promote sustainable sport”

As in many other areas of sport, ecological change also conditions sports tourism. Consumers demand sustainable solutions from companies and are willing to pay more for them. However, there is still much room for improvement in terms of environmental protection, especially at sporting events.

In this talk, we will learn first-hand about a company whose philosophy is to promote a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

What is sustainable sport? What is Plogging? What is the future that awaits us? We will talk about the sustainability megatrend, and of course Plogging, highlighting its benefits for health, the environment and the community. We will explore sustainable practices in various sports disciplines and share inspiring examples from international Plogging events and testimonies from athletes committed to the environment. In addition, we will show how institutions, companies and sports clubs can and should take advantage of this trend to differentiate themselves, promote sustainability, boost their commitment to the SDGs and generate a positive impact.

10:45 to 11:10 The Megatrend of digitalization

Digitalization has also taken over sports tourism. More and more travelers are using online platforms and apps to plan and book their trips individually. Vacationers are increasingly using electronic devices such as smartphones and smartwatches to carry out outdoor activities.

The goal of sports operators and brands should therefore be to create a seamless digital experience for travelers.

11:10 to 11:35 The Megatrend of individualization

Individual experiences are increasingly important in tourism. The trend is moving away from mass tourism and towards holistic experiences adapted to the individual needs and interests of travelers. In this sense, sports such as ski touring or trail running offer ideal opportunities for activities in nature away from the mainstream.

11:35 to 12:00 Networking Coffee

Opportunity to establish contact with all event attendees and interact on different issues of sports tourism megatrends.

More information at CEEI