The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, accompanied by the Councilor for Infrastructure and Urban Management, Sandra Sánchez, and the Councilor for Parks and Gardens and Public Lighting, Concha Sala, together with municipal technicians, have visited the redevelopment works of one of the main roads of the city, Ronda César Cánovas Girada, which began on December 18.
The works are included in the project of resurfacing and improvements to pedestrian routes and accessibility, in which an exclusive chapter is occupied for the Redevelopment works of the Ronda César Cánovas, with an investment of close to €770,000 (VAT included). The execution period for these works will be approximately four and a half months.
The redevelopment will consist of maintaining the width of the sidewalks, since it is adequate in terms of accessibility, the two traffic lanes will also be maintained, one in each direction, as well as the parking lanes.
Sandra Sánchez has indicated that the complete demolition of sidewalks will be carried out, replacing the existing curb on both sidewalks and in the median, as well as their pavement, improving the pedestrian route. 15 sidewalk lowering actions will be carried out at pedestrian crossings and 4 reduced mobility spaces will be provided, thus improving accessibility from Villa Madrid Street to Orihuela Street. In addition, benches and litter bins will be installed at different points. The works will include the resurfacing of the entire road, after milling, and new vertical and horizontal traffic signage will be installed.
For her part, councilor Concha Sala has reported that the existing public lighting will be completely renovated, with new channeling at depth according to current regulations, staffs and luminaires will be replaced using LED technology to contribute to energy savings.
Likewise, the mayor of Parks and Gardens has pointed out that one of the big problems along the entire road is the one caused for years by the roots of the existing trees, affecting both the pavement of the sidewalks and the layer of asphalt for circulation. vehicular. The solution adopted and coordinated with the Parks and Gardens area has been to completely demolish the sidewalks and inspect the state of the roots that could continue to affect the future, with the trees being transplanted, or in the event that the transplant is not viable. , new specimens will be planted at a rate of 5 saps per unit of tree removed, proceeding to the replacement in the round itself, and the rest of the saps, in municipal parks. Among the actions planned in the works, the location and number of existing tree pits for street trees will be maintained and a new drip irrigation network will be installed.