On Monday, February 5, the courses of the Open University program of the UNED of Torrevieja begin

The Councilor for Education of the Torrevieja City Council, Ricardo Recuero, informs that next Monday, February 5, the Introduction to Podcast course will begin in the UNED Classroom of Torrevieja, located in the city's International Conservatory.

The course, which is included in the Open University program of the UNED of Torrevieja, designed as a workshop, will be taught by Miguel Jiménez Buendía, cultural manager and communicator, scriptwriter and radio producer (Onda Cero, Spain; Koori Radio, Australia ; Ondas Ayvu, Paraguay) and will last 20 hours, from February 5 to 26.

Offered for 24 attendees, 34 people have initially registered, many of them teachers from schools in the area. In addition to the university endorsement, the Cefire of Orihuela will accredit the completion of this course with a 20-hour certificate as teacher training.


Next Wednesday, February 7, the Advances in Biomedicine course will begin in the UNED Classroom in Torrevieja. The course includes two Saturday outings: the first, in Torrevieja, to the Natural History Museum, where a neuroscience workshop will be taught; the second, in Murcia, to the IMIB (Murcian Institute for Biosanitary Research) and laboratories of the Virgen de La Arrixaca Hospital.

The course will be taught by the doctor and scientific researcher María Luisa Molina Gallego and will last 33 hours: from February 7 to March 23. Offered for 45 attendees, all places have been filled. Cefire will accredit the completion of this course with a 33-hour certificate as teacher training.


The UNED Hall of Torrevieja, in collaboration with the city council, will host the annual meeting of the RUIA (University Network for Childhood and Adolescence) on April 19, chaired by its president, Dr. Vicente Cabedo (Universitat Polytechnic of Valencia). Currently, the RUIA is made up of 31 Spanish universities. Likewise, taking advantage of the event, on the 19th and 20th, Friday and Saturday, the UNED of Torrevieja and the RUIA, with the participation of the Department of Education and Universities of the Torrevieja City Council, will promote the organization of a university conference on the topic "The child poverty", with free registration until capacity is filled.

The Network of Universities for Childhood and Adolescence (RUIA) is an interdisciplinary collaboration project on childhood and adolescence between Spanish universities with the Powers and Public Administrations, private entities and Spanish society as a whole. The main purpose of the Network is the development, promotion and guarantee of the rights of children and adolescents through research, innovation, training and the dissemination and transfer of knowledge.