Generalitat and City Council meet to address the next housing projects framed in the "Viu Comunitat Valenciana" plan

The regional secretary of Housing, Sebastián Fernández, has explained to the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, the guidelines and lines of action that are part of this plan
It should be noted that Torrevieja has been the first municipality in the province of Alicante and the second in the Valencian Community to adhere to Plan Viu

The regional secretary of Housing, Sebastián Fernández, has met with the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the councilor for Housing, Óscar Urtasun, to address issues of special importance for the town in terms of housing, among which the implementation march of the “Plan Viu Comunitat Valenciana”.

During the meeting, held at the Torrevieja town hall, both public administrations discussed the next actions that concern the municipality of Torrevieja within the framework of Plan Viu.

Eduardo Dolón has thanked the regional secretary for his predisposition and the joint work that both administrations are carrying out, and that will be specified in a short time with the number, typology and regime of the homes that can be offered in the municipality of Torrevieja.

In turn, Sebastián Fernández has presented to the mayor of Torrevieja the guidelines and lines of action that are part of the Viu-CV Plan, with which the Consell plans to promote the construction of more than 10,000 protected homes through public-private collaboration throughout throughout the current legislature.

It should be noted that Torrevieja has been the first municipality in the province of Alicante and the second in the Valencian Community to adhere to Plan Viu.

Finally, the mayor recalled that on April 16, the Local Government Board approved the request for the Torrevieja City Council to join the framework collaboration agreement with the Generalitat Valenciana on public housing, to mobilize public land existing in our municipal area for the promotion and construction of public housing. In this way, the aim is to promote access to protected housing more generally, especially for rental purposes, access to the first home for young people; and, on the other hand, land intended to respond to situations of vulnerability of different social groups.