Neuroscience, mathematics that surrounds us, practical yoga and the heritage of our garden make up the content of the UNED-Torrevieja open university for the next course

Registration is now open and is free. Registration can be completed at the address
Experts in the different disciplines will teach four programs starting next October after the inauguration of the new 2024-2025 academic year. The Open University is a teaching initiative resulting from the existing collaboration between the UNED and the Torrevieja City Council in terms of training.

The UNED Torrevieja Classroom will continue its consolidation in Torrevieja and its area of influence with the Open University program, which will begin in the month of October with four monographic courses that deal with Yoga as a physical exercise that combines the mental and the spiritual. ; Neuroscience and its scientific understanding through experiments with the five human senses; the Mathematics that surrounds us in everyday life and that we must know how to interpret; and, finally, the Bajo Segura orchard and the heritage values of its ancient landscape.

The entire program has been designed with a common objective in its academic development: dynamic, didactic and participatory courses, which have academic teaching and the high knowledge of the most palpable reality of experts in the subjects who will include theory and practice in their activity. teacher, and they will even have field trips and guided physical activities.

The program will begin on October 14 with the YOGA AND LITERATURE course, taught by yogi Antonio González Lucas, professor of ES. The course is planned as a practical activity workshop in eight sessions: it will connect musical and literary passages to begin concentration; will propose active models, replicated by attendees, of asanas or postures, mantras and mindfulness exercises. Tono González will offer innovative teaching that complements the good work of the Physical and Emotional Education teachers, but that can be followed by anyone who comes with yoga equipment and mentality.

Neuroscientific research within reach of our senses

Under the title THE NEUROSCIENCE OF THE HUMAN SENSES, the second course, starting on November 11, will address, in nine sessions, the scientific basis of the senses with neurological experiments of sensory perception, which will be experienced first-hand by the students. The researcher will awaken curiosity with digital applications on the mobile phone and make, for example, audiometry understandable.

The third of the courses will begin with the new year 2025, from January 20. It will focus on the apprehension and correct interpretation of mathematics in the immediate environment that life gives us. It is titled THE MATHEMATICS THAT SURROUNDS US and will be led by doctors Juan Matías Sepulcre and Lorena Segura Abad, authors of several books on this popularizing approach to the so-called exact sciences.

In ten sessions, university professors Sepulcre and Segura will reveal the presence of data, uses and numerical calculations in daily tasks and will eliminate the taboo of the complexity of learning mathematics. They will surprise the audience with effects almost of mathematical magic and the use of mathematics in the conception of beauty and fashion will be evident, the system of electoral statistics will be clarified and the relevance of arithmetic and geometry will be analyzed not only in cinema or television, but also in nature itself.

The Bajo Segura orchard, high heritage value

Throughout May 2025, concentrated in the spring of Segura, the fourth and last course of UNED Torrevieja will take place under the title LA HUERTA DEL BAJO SEGURA. HERITAGE VALUES OF A MILLENNIUM LANDSCAPE, PARADIGM OF SUSTAINABILITY, taught by the experienced professor Gregorio Canales Martínez, from the University of Alicante, and by the experienced professor María Dolores Ponce Sánchez, from the University of Murcia.

This closing of the academic year, in 2025, before the announced opening of the new university headquarters in Torrevieja, will constitute an unusual and awareness-raising journey through the geography of our region following the bed of the Segura River, through the centuries. Doctors Canales and Ponce will identify human landscapes and show the effects of human action in a pulsating heritage that continues to offer examples of sustainable life. The commitment to our landscape heritage and the critical bases for the debate, the academic leitmotif of both professors in their socio-university activity, will be complemented with a guided route through Segureña towns, from Orihuela to Guardamar.

All courses are recognized by CEFIRE, which takes the form of a certification for assistant teachers of 20 hours of permanent training – thirty hours in the case of the fourth course: La Huerta de la Vega Baja.

The Open University program will be taught in the UNED Classroom in Torrevieja, located in the International Conservatory of Music (Partida de Las Lomas), next to the Quirón Hospital. The deadline to complete the registration for these courses is now open through the email address .

The UNED-Torrevieja Open University is free and its implementation is the result of the collaboration between the Torrevieja City Council and the UNED since the creation, in September 2022, of the UNED-Torrevieja Classroom, dependent on the UNED Associated Center of Elche Pedro Salinas.

Applications for registration

Tf. Information (UNED Torrevieja Classroom): 603 875 563

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