Municipal Tow Truck Service - Vehicle Depot
Address: Sculptors Hermanos Blanco S/N
Vehicles that are on public roads in certain situations are deposited in the municipal warehouse. Depending on the reason for the deposit, the procedure to collect the vehicle is different.
The owner or regular or authorized driver may go directly to the Municipal deposit , provided that the vehicle has been removed from public roads due to an administrative violation.
On the other hand, the owner or legally authorized driver must first go to Municipal Departments to have the vehicle delivered, when it has been deposited for documentation, for alcohol/drugs, traffic accidents, or for being available to the court. , among other causes.
To remove a deposited vehicle:
The duly identified owner must attend, with a person with a valid driving license (it may be himself), and the causes that led to the deposit of the vehicle must disappear.-
You will know if your vehicle is deposited because you will have been given a document/deposit certificate, with the reasons for the deposit.
If you have any questions, go to the municipal deposit or call the contact number 965 70 30 73