
Request for a municipal Social Insertion Report

Have you been in Spain for more than three years and want to regularize your situation?

Documents attached to the social insertion application

Valid passport

Personal data sheets and sealed sheets.


living place

Property : last IBI receipt (SUMA) or updated simple note.

Rent : Rental contract and last water and electricity bill.

If the documentation is not in the applicant's name : Signed authorization and copy ID of the owner / tenant. A registration certificate is only presented if the applicant has lived in another municipality during the last 3 years.


Pre-employment contract indicating : Amount of remuneration, duration (minimum one year), work center or company project / bank certificates, bank statements.

Integration effort : Diploma / certificate of Spanish courses, participation in municipal activities, sports club, AMPAs, NGOs, volunteer work.

Application submission

Online : By - PROCEDURES CATALOG - BS31 - International Residents Municipal social insertion report.

In person : In Registry appointment at - APPOINTMENT - Registration General - Torrevieja / La Mata.

Home Telecare Service

Home telecare is a service that, through the telephone line and with a specific communication and computer equipment, allows elderly or disabled people, by pressing a button on a pendant, to immediately enter into verbal contact " hands-free ”, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with a center staffed by specialized personnel, to provide an immediate response to possible alarm situations or social health emergencies, mobilizing the human and / or material resources that are required.

These requests are not currently available.

Valencian Income of Inclusion - Income Modality of Guarantee of Social Inclusion (RGIS)

Law 19/2017 , of November 20, of the Generalitat, of Valencian Inclusion Income, guarantees a subjective right that is specified through an economic benefit and / or a professional benefit to carry out a process of social inclusion aimed at covering the basic needs that guarantee the quality of life fighting exclusion and social vulnerability.

Municipal ordinance regulating direct financial aid to people or families in a situation of Social Emergency.

The purpose of these economic benefits is to remedy situations of urgent need that cannot be resolved with their own means and aimed at meeting basic needs for food and hygiene, needs related to the use of habitual residence and situations of an extraordinary nature that may affect personal autonomy. , social and economic and that are considered of interest for the care of people and / or families with significant problems.

Emergency aid is economic aid of an extraordinary, temporary and unusual nature, intended to alleviate those situations in which the affected people may find themselves, integrated into a coexistence unit, where appropriate, due to a state of need, whose resources are insufficient. to meet specific expenses, necessary to prevent, avoid or alleviate situations of marginalization and / or social exclusion. They are addressed to the coexistence unit.

They have a finalist character, and are not an end in themselves, having to be used only for the purpose for which they have been granted.

They will be incompatible with any other public benefit, right, economic perception or private income that may correspond to the beneficiary or other members of the household, for the same purpose.

The general principle of incompatibility of aid of a social nature is established, which will only be compatible when they are of a different nature and serve a different purpose.

Individuals and their coexistence unit, who meet the requirements mentioned in these bases, may be beneficiaries.

They will have the condition of beneficiaries, those individuals and their coexistence unit that are in a situation of emergency or social vulnerability.

For the purposes of economic benefit for emergency situations or urgent social need, it is understood by UNIT OF COEXISTENCE, those constituted by one or more people who live in the same address, whether or not there is a kinship relationship between them, an end that will be accredited by means of the corresponding registration and coexistence flyer.

In the case of shared accommodation, it will be necessary for the beneficiary to appear in the rental contract.

You can only receive a single aid in the same unit of coexistence, for the same concept, annually.

They can be requested by those people who, being in a situation of serious need, meet the following requirements :

  • That the beneficiary does not have sufficient income to meet the expenses derived from the emergency situation.
  • Not having gross income for the amount of the IPREM in annual calculation of 12 monthly payments, per capita income.
  • Not having movable and immovable property other than those of the habitual residence, over which there is a right of ownership, possession or usufruct or any other, that by its characteristics, valuation or valuation or possibility of exploitation or sale, indicates the existence of sufficient means to meet the need for which the aid is requested.
  • Be of legal age or an emancipated minor.
  • Reside in the municipality of Torrevieja and be registered, in accordance with the provisions of Law 7/85, of April 2, Regulatory of the Bases of Local Regime, uninterruptedly and immediately prior to the presentation of the application, during a period of not less than 12 months, except in exceptional situations duly accredited in the corresponding social report.
  • Provide the documentation required in each case.
  • Not incur in any of the prohibition causes referred to in article 13 of the General Subsidies Law.
  • In the case of unemployed people, be registered as job seekers in the Employment Offices dependent on the Regional Ministry competent in the matter, and carry out a duly justified active search.
  • Have requested those benefits to which you may be entitled (benefits from the State Employment Service and / or Social Security, alimony in favor of minors, dining room scholarships and books, and any other benefit, resource or service that may favor the coverage of the existing emergency situation.
  • Not having any other aid or provision for the same purpose, granted by a public body or private entity.
  • That it has the technical report signed by the municipal social services, in which the need for the action object of the aid is determined, and it is stated that all existing resources aimed at solving the need have been exhausted.

The submission period will open from the first business day of January, and will remain open until the last business day of October, of each fiscal year.