The gastronomy in Torrevieja will surprise you, as it is born from a perfect combination of the best seafood, the most appetizing vegetables and fruits of the Vega Baja, included in the typical recipes of the inhabitants of the area.
The gastronomy in Torrevieja is good because the base products that it has are really good, while its kitchens strive to combine them creating a typical meal that reinforces the gastronomic identity synthesized in three words for Torrevieja: land, salt and sea. .
In our city, you can see seafood products very fresh from the port when fishermen accustomed to artisanal fishing arrive with boxes full at the Lonja, when the auction is held and these boxes end up in restaurants or the Mercado de the Plasa.
There is a point within gastronomy, which we cannot fail to name or announce as part of the typical dishes of Torrevieja and the Vega Baja area, which are Salazones, sea products cured with salt, such as mojama, roe , anchovies, bonito, capellanets, ... served or combined with nuts or as part of salads such as pericana, tomato salad and bonito, ...
In the markets or flea markets, the fruits and vegetables of Torrevieja and the entire Vega Baja dazzle with their colors and flavors, to also become natural and healthy products that will be part of typical dishes of Torrevieja Mediterranean cuisine.
A hallmark of our gastronomy is salt, With its crystalline stars and scales, thanks to perfect packaging and production, it becomes the most recognized food and non-food product outside our borders, with the Torrevieja brand. Its scales being used by the great chefs of the moment.
We can even speak as part of our gastronomy of wine, the wine that is obtained a few years ago from the vineyards planted in the vicinity of the Laguna de la Mata, the first wine from the lands of Torrevieja and the latest presentation of the new Torrevieja beer, La Bella Lola, presented last week to the public and with an excellent tasting and acceptance.
Another typical product of our area, are the cocas, which we find in the part of the confectionery or the sweets, because the cocas can be salty or sweet, special for those occasions when we spend moments outdoors.