The Local Police of Torrevieja participates in the study of the General Directorate of Traffic on the prevalence of the consumption of psychoactive substances and alcohol in vehicle drivers

The Torrevieja Local Police will be one of the 15 local police officers from all over Spain that will participate in this study The study called EDAP 2021 will be carried out throughout the month of November and consists of carrying out 16 random alcohol and drug controls on drivers for four weeks
The Director General of Traffic, Pere Navarro, has written to the Mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, to request the collaboration of the Local Police in a study of the prevalence of the consumption of psychoactive substances and alcohol in vehicle drivers.

The Torrevieja Local Police has already participated successfully in two previous editions of this study, thereby contributing to the prevention of traffic accidents as a result of the consumption of said substances and promoting collaboration with the General Directorate of Traffic in a campaign in the that only 15 Local Police officers from all over Spain participate.

The study, called EDAP 2021, will be carried out throughout the next month of November and consists of carrying out a total of 16 random alcohol and drug tests on drivers for 4 weeks. At each control, a total of 8 drivers will be tested individually for these substances, so the total number of tests to be carried out by the Torrevieja Local Police throughout the campaign will be 128 tests. of alcohol and another 128 of drugs. During the practice of the tests, a vehicle count will also be carried out to assess the control point.

The results of the controls will be sent to the General Directorate of Traffic for the analysis of the data collected and thus be able to draw conclusions about the prevalence of alcohol and drug use while driving.

To carry out the aforementioned controls, Traffic has provided the Torrevieja Local Police with all the necessary material (vehicle of the Provincial Traffic Headquarters, drogotest and drug kits, ethyl meter, mouthpieces, refrigerators and kits for sending to the laboratory, etc. ), with the General Directorate of Traffic taking charge of the shipment to the laboratory and analysis of the samples.

The control points indicated by the General Directorate of Traffic are the following:




Paseo de la Libertad (towards Playa del Cura)


Orihuela Street with Avda. Rosa Mazón (direction CV-905)


Avda. Rosa Mazón with Avda. Delfina Viudes


Avda. Cortes Valencianas with Avda. De la Mancha (direction urban center)