Open the term for the selection of participants in the 6th edition of the "Jove Oportunitat-Joop" program

Young people between the ages of 16 and 21 from Torrevieja can participate in the program, who currently neither study nor work, may or may not have completed ESO, others even started high school or vocational training but none have managed to obtain at least a technical degree. medium
The Department of Youth of the City of Torrevieja is selecting young people to participate in the JOOP program that, for the sixth consecutive year, will be launched on February 15. As reported by the mayor of Youth, Domingo Paredes, it is an initiative promoted by the IVAJ and financed by the European Social Fund, whose objective is to motivate and guide young people between 16 and 21 years of age who have dropped out of school.

Young people between 16 and 21 years old from Torrevieja can participate in the program, who currently neither study nor work, may or may not have completed ESO, others have even started high school or vocational training but none have managed to obtain at least a Bachelor's degree. medium technician. Outside the educational system and with few expectations in the labor market, they are young people who are going through a moment of uncertainty in their lives. As a second chance program, JOOP comes to their support and will be a life changing experience for them.

The objective is to get these young people to return to the educational system to complete an Intermediate Vocational Training. But, beforehand, they will need an intervention that works on their motivation, reinforces their self-esteem and helps them build a comprehensive life project. To do this, they use a pedagogical tool such as ATTITUDINAL COACHING, in groups of between 10 and 15 participants.

The program will also provide them with guidance on the different professional families of FP, but from a completely practical approach: by visiting 20 host companies, where they will be shown the real work to which FP qualifications lead.

It is about that, in one of these visits, the young people of the JOOP (the joopers) discover their vocation. And that discovery will give them the energy to make the decision to go back to school.

For those young people who have not graduated from ESO, JOOP offers them an academic training module to prepare for the intermediate level FP entrance exam. For the other joopers in the group, academic refresher sessions will be held, which will allow them, the following year, to face returning to the educational system with greater chances of success.

This course will start on February 15 and end in July. It will take place in the mornings, from Monday to Friday, complemented by regular individual meeting sessions between each member of the student body and their coach. During the six months following the end of the course, monthly group meetings will be held to monitor the students.

The selection process for participants is currently being carried out in our city, with interviews with people referred from the Guidance Department of Educational Centers and Social Services.

The program is financed by the European Social Fund, and its goal is to reduce Early Educational Abandonment (AET), a problem with enormous incidence in the Valencian Community, where the levels are higher than the state average rate and among the highest of Europe.

For more information and registration:

Department of Youth – Youth Information and Animation Center (CIAJ) in Paseo Juan Aparicio, nº 5

Telephone 965.714.072
