The City Council of Torrevieja will have, for the first time, a job bank for Local Police

The Councilor for Human Resources, Carmen Gómez Candel, informs that the area she directs has received more than 800 requests to cover the 18 places called to form part of the Torrevieja Local Police Force. These data reflect the interest generated by this call.
This is one more step of the government team to provide more troops to the Local Police of the city. For the first time, the City Council of Torrevieja will have its own job bank after the completion of the selection process, making it possible to cover vacancies that may arise for reasons such as retirement, sick leave, or places that cannot be called and are necessary to maintain a vital service for the safety of citizens.
It is expected that during the month of May the selection tests will begin so that, as soon as possible, they will be covered, thus expanding the local police force.
The vacancies called are:
- 10 PLACES FOR LOCAL POLICE OFFICER : 7 free shift positions and 3 mobility shift positions.
- 2 LOCAL POLICE OFFICER PLACES : consolidation of temporary employment.
- 3 INSPECTOR PLACES : 1 position per free shift, 1 internal promotion position, and one inter-administrative internal promotion position per shift.
- 3 OFFICER PLACES : 1 internal promotion position per shift, 1 inter-administrative internal promotion position per shift and 1 mobility position per shift.