More than 2000 students have gathered today at the Torrevieja Sports Palace for the closing ceremony of the Municipal Sports Schools

Today, May 27, at 6:00 p.m., the closing of the 2021/22 Sports Schools was held at the “Tavi y Carmona” Sports Palace. From the City Council of Torrevieja, through the Department of Sports, we want to recognize the more than 2,000 students of the Municipal Sports Schools, municipal sports programs "Sport for All", the educational centers, entities that are within the structure of the Ciudad Deportiva and local clubs that work for grassroots sports.

The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, the deputy mayor, Rosario Martínez, the councilor for Sports, Diana Box, the councilor for Youth, Domingo Paredes, the councilor for International Residents, Gitte Lund, the councilor for Works and Services, Sandra Sánchez, recognized athletes, Luis Corchete and Manuel Peñalver, representing Agamed, Gemma Cruz and directors of various Schools, have presented a diploma and a medal to reward the effort, work and perseverance of our young champions throughout the season.

The Councilor for Sports, Diana Box, values very positively the activities carried out in the Municipal Schools of Torrevieja with a considerable increase in students and who have also achieved more sporting achievements than ever. But the most recognized have been integration, effort, equality, commitment, partner and self-improvement.