Aid for the Trade Modernization Program: Technological Fund Investments - SMEs, financial year 2022

Noticia ayudas comercio
The purpose of these aids is to finance investments in the development of plans and projects of technological, innovative and sustainable content of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), during the financial year 2022, that affect the management of the commercial activity and its business model. business, guaranteeing its adaptation to new consumption habits, sales modalities, positioning and distribution, making companies more competitive and resilient.


Eligible projects must comply with the principle of "not causing significant harm" to environmental objectives under the Regulation on the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

The actions likely to receive support will be carried out in the Valencian Community.


Self-employed and SMEs that carry out or are going to carry out commercial activity in the Valencian Community , in any of the activities according to:

-CNAE (Royal Decree 475/2007, of April 13, CNAE-2009): Section G, Division 47, except groups and classes 4726, 473, 4773, and 479.


Investments linked to the commercial establishment made by the beneficiary entities in the following concepts may be subject to a subsidy:

  1. Investment expenses related to digital transformation.
  2. Investment expenses related to transformation of the point of sale.
  3. Investment expenses related to the supply chain and traceability.
  4. Investment expenses related to sustainability and the circular economy.


The approved minimum investment may not be less than 5,000 euros (VAT excluded) and the aid may reach 100% of the investment, with a limit of 200,000 euros.

Actions carried out FROM JANUARY 1, 2022 UNTIL THE DATE OF SUBMISSION OF THE APPLICATION are considered supportable, unless a different term is established in the call for aid.


The deadline for submitting applications will be from January 10, 2023 to February 3, 2023 , both inclusive.

For more information check this link .