The Councilor for Security and Emergencies of the Torrevieja City Council, Federico Alarcón, together with the Councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero, have presented this morning the activities programmed for the anniversary of the earthquake that occurred in Vega Baja in 1829. They have been accompanied by the different representatives of the State Security Corps and Forces and the Emergency services (Local Police, Civil Guard, Firefighters, SAMU and Civil Protection) who will be part of the earthquake drill that will take place on Tuesday, March 21, starting at 9:30 a.m., at CEIP Cuba and at IES Mare Nostrum.
As explained by the Councilor for Education, Ricardo Recuero, “educational centers are obliged, once a quarter, to carry out a fire and/or earthquake drill. For this quarter, and coinciding with the commemoration of the earthquake that devastated the city in 1829, an earthquake drill will be carried out in all the educational centers of the city”, which will have the participation of all the Security Forces and Bodies of the State, as well as the Emergency Services, which will emulate a rescue at the CEIP Cuba and at the IES Mare Nostrum. It will be in this last school where a helicopter air rescue will take place.
For this drill there will be an advanced command post in the main Torrevieja fire station, from where everything that happens will be coordinated and recorded. In the two educational centers an operational control will be installed, with the rescues that would be made in the event of a catastrophe of this type. In addition, a communications failure will be simulated, with the necessary firefighters who would find themselves in a situation with similar characteristics.
In the educational centers, prior to the drill, some informative flyers have been delivered that the tutors are working with the students as part of the preparation for the drill.
Among these activities is also the talk that will be given today, Friday, in the main hall of the Torrevieja Casino, at 8:00 p.m., by Nahúm Méndez Chazarra, entitled “What do we know about the 1829 earthquake and what have we learned? of the?".
Nahúm Méndez is a geologist from the University of Granada and scientific popularizer. He has participated in programs such as “Órbita Laika”, “Al rojo vivo” or “El tiempo” on Antena 3, commenting on geological news. He has published several books and is currently collaborating with the HiTranslate project at the University of Arizona and NASA.