IV Forum Crecer Innovando Creama, "Promoting Business Success with Intelligent Data Strategies"

Start: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 10:00. End: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. Online event. Each session will last approximately one hour, and will be held through the Zoom application. To participate you must sign up for each of the sessions!!

The Crecer Innovando Forum has the purpose of promoting the growth and consolidation of SMEs, and providing answers to specific issues in the territory, detected by the agents of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Valencian Community. It is a forum aimed at helping in the analysis of how to develop competitive advantages for the immediate future, knowing how to turn threats into opportunities, and their impact on the redefinition of business models based on the detection of new opportunities .

Initiative promoted and financed by the Generalitat Valenciana , through the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) , within its policy of support for innovative entrepreneurship, and organized by CEEI Elche, Creama, Xàbia City Council and the Valencian Observatory of open data and transparency.


Data management in companies is a fundamental process to ensure proper and efficient management of the information that is generated and used in the business context. Effective data management involves the proper and secure collection, storage, processing, analysis and use of data, in order to improve decision making, operational efficiency and competitive advantage of the company.

This management requires a clear strategy, the establishment of adequate policies and procedures, the use of data analysis tools and techniques, and compliance with applicable rules and regulations.

We present this forum made up of a cycle of four sessions, with four experts who will give us the keys to "carry out an effective data management strategy".

Each session will last approximately one hour , and will be held through the Zoom application.

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