Youth More Human Award

Prizes of €2,000 per category; Open call until September 15, 2023

Máshumano launches the Máshumano Youth Award in collaboration with INJUVE through an open public call for young people between the ages of 14 and 35 who, with their talent, capacity for innovation and creativity, develop solutions to the challenges posed in each call , through viable and sustainable projects and ideas that respond to the real demands of more human companies and entities. All kinds of initiatives that contribute to improvements in organizations and society will be accepted: sustainable products that cover social or environmental needs, social entrepreneurship initiatives, tools to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, etc.


The purpose of this call is to select business projects and ideas for their mentoring, training and presentation at the final event, which will be held between the months of November and December 2023 in Madrid.

The projects will be selected based on various criteria, such as: the innovative nature of the proposal, economic viability, scalability and corporate social responsibility policies applied to the entire production chain of the company or entity.


The Award is aimed at all those young people , whether individuals or legal entities, between the ages of 14 and 35 , of any nationality and resident in Spain, who want to provide solutions to the Challenges of Organizations of the 21st century, to through viable and sustainable proposals that respond to the real demands of more humane companies and entities and that want to train to acquire skills for the development and execution of business projects.


  • Bankinter Award for the solution that improves people's health and well-being:
    • Ideas or projects that help people in their health and quality of life.
    • Ideas or projects that favor the accessibility and integration of people through environments, products and services so that they are understandable, usable and practicable by all citizens, including people with disabilities.
  • El Corte Inglés Award for ideas or projects that contribute to building a healthier, more sustainable and prosperous environment for the planet:
    • Responsible production and consumption (ideas and projects for sustainable innovation, circular economy and zero waste, responsible supply and consumer empowerment).
    • Action against the climate (ideas and projects on low-carbon businesses, energy efficiency, renewable energy and materials, sustainable mobility...).
    • Decent work and economic growth (ideas and projects that are committed to a more just, inclusive and egalitarian society, and for a commercial activity that respects people's rights and supports socio-economic development).
  • Máshumano Foundation Award for social and/or cultural ideas or projects that generate a positive impact on people:
    • Responding to social problems favoring compliance with the SDGs in an innovative way.
    • Evidence the value of culture as a motor of change and improvement of society.


The deadline for submission is September 15, 2023.