IVACE I+I Internationalization + Innovation Scholarships 2023

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IVACE I+I Scholarships Internationalization + Innovation 2023, digital internationalization of companies. Aimed at young people under 30 who meet certain requirements.

These scholarships seek to provide companies and entities in the Valencian Community with qualified personnel specialized in digital strategies to increase competitiveness and international sales through theoretical and practical training for a period of 12 months; the practical training will be developed in companies and entities of the Valencian Community, and the theoretical training through the superior course in E Business Global that includes digital marketing, business intelligence , new technologies for internationalization and sustainability, applying innovation to the internationalization process .

  • Be a national of a member state of the European Union and have been born in the Valencian Community or have been registered in the Valencian Community for at least twelve months before the date of publication of the extract of this call in the DOGV.
  • Be under 30 years of age on July 31, 2023, the date on which the application submission period ends. c) Be in possession of a higher-level university degree, or a higher-level Vocational Training qualification from the trade and marketing, or computer science and communications families. In the event of a degree obtained in any country other than Spain, this degree must be accompanied by the resolution of equivalence to the degree and official university academic level or the resolution of homologation of foreign degrees, in accordance with what is regulated by RD 967/ 2014 from November 21.
  • Sufficient knowledge of the English language, as well as that of any of the official languages of the Valencian Community in the case of applicants who do not have Spanish nationality; Said requirements will be accredited through tests -or interviews in the case of the official languages of the Valencian Community- carried out in the selection process.
  • Not be affected by any limitation incompatible with the functional or geographical development of the scholarship.
  • Not have a criminal record or be involved in any criminal case that prevents the functional or geographical development of the scholarship.
  • Be up-to-date with your tax and Social Security obligations on the end date of the application submission period.
  • Not incur in any of the causes of prohibition to be a beneficiary provided for in article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General of Subsidies.

The duration of the scholarship will be extended to a maximum of 12 months .

Each scholarship will be endowed with an economic amount of €13,980.96 gross , applying the corresponding personal income tax withholdings and social security discounts in accordance with current regulations.

The amount will be received by the scholarship holder based on the time of effective enjoyment of the scholarship.

The scholarship endowment will be paid directly by IVACE to the scholarship recipient and will be divided monthly into a maximum of twelve monthly installments.

Target entities may be companies and non-profit entities that include incorporating/developing an action plan for digital internationalization among their objectives and action plans, and that are in the initiation, growth and/or consolidation phase of their internationalization.

Entities must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a registered office in the Valencian Community.
  • Being in any phase of the export and/or internationalization process of your products or services. c) Have an internationalization plan.
  • Have a digital marketing action plan for internationalization.
  • Have the human and material resources necessary for the proper development of the scholarship. In this sense, it must have a minimum of five people on staff, of which at least one is dedicated to foreign expansion or the design and development of its international marketing policies.
  • Be up to date with the IVACE in the payment of the services and actions organized by this Institute, or in the reimbursement of subsidies with the IVACE.
  • Be up to date with your tax obligations and with Social Security.
  • Not incur in any of the causes of impossibility provided for in article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Grants, which will be accredited by means of a responsible declaration.